M.Dv.Nr. - planmäßigen Marine Druckvorschrift
M.Dv.Nr. - planmäßigen Marine Druckvorschrift - Navy Manuals
The M.Dv.Nr. series runs from M.Dv.Nr. 1 to M.Dv.Nr. 970, and consists of nearly 2000 manuals. Many of these were shared with the army, Luftwaffe or both, and had a H.Dv. and/or L.Dv. reference on the cover next to the M.Dv.Nr. reference. Nevertheless, considering the numbering of the known manuals, it is obvious that numerous manuals are missing from the list.
Typically for the navy manuals, often individual manuals were gathered in a Sammelheft, a collection folder. A good example is the M.Dv.Nr. 847 Vorschriften für die Pflege der Maschinenanlagen auf den Schiffen der Kriegsmarine. The Sammelheft was a hard cover with a double band to bind the individual manuals. This band could be detatched from the cover, so that newer versions of the individual manuals could be exchanged or inserted.
The Marine Druckvorschriften also contained classified Geheim ! manuals. These, however, did not have a separate notification (i.e. M.Dv.g.Nr. or M.Dv.g. did not exist), but generally have a deep red cover and Geheim ! printed on the cover and title page.
For a concise overview of some rare Kriegmarine manuals, also visit www.kartengruppe.it.
See below for the extensive lists: