Miscellaneous - Kriegsmarine
Kreigsmarine - Navy
Merkblatt für die praktische Auswertung von Funkpeilungen
This short note is on the practical evaluation of direction finding of radio signals. It describes the most simple methods to pinpoint the direction from which radio signal are coming from. Therewith, it also describes the most practical methods that can be used at the front for quick assessments. It just decribes the methods, without ging into the theoretical backgrounds.
Sportvorschrift für die Kreigsmarine
I. Teil (Erprobungsentwurf) Kriegsausagbe
O.K.M. 5791 M. Wehr. II f vom 10.6.1938
This is the Kriegsmarine replacement of the Sportvorschrift für die Wehrmacht, H.Dv. 475, M.Dv.Nr. 496. This first volume contains the essential sports education guidelines and topics for the training at the front. The second volume is the handbook for the sports trainers and officers on training. This temporal manual was to be replaced by a permanent manual early 1939 that would capture the learnings and improvements obtained. I have 2 versions of his manual in my collection: the right one is assigned as a Kriegsausgabe war version.
This particular manual was also used for phycological warfare by the British army, as camouflage for the malingering booklet Krankheit rettet. See the malinering webage for more details. The manual would appear to be a normal issue, but the middle part was substituted by the propaganda on malingering: pretending to be ill or causing an injury to yourself to prevent military service or other support to the German war effort.
Leitfaden für den Unterricht an der Ausbildungswetterwarte des Marinewetterdienstes
This booklet is an instructional guide for the Naval Meteorological Service training. It was used in the training of the personnel of the weather services for the Kriegsmarine. It deals with a variety of topics, such as an overview of the instruments that are used, weather surveillance on land and on board, wind force measurements, signaling, aerologic maps and much more.
Die Panzerfaust - Lieber Kamerad der Kreigsmarine!
Merkblatt M503/4 (Einzulegen in das Soldbuch)
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine - Höhere Infanterie-Offizier - SKL Adm. Qu IV Inf.
This is the Kriegsmarine variant of the Heer hands-on instructions for using the Panzerfaust. It actually summarizes all types, being the Panzerfaust Klein, Panzerfaust 30m, Panzerfaust 60m and Panzerfaust 100m. Naturally, the content is rather similar to that of the D.-series:
D. 560/1 Merkblatt für die Handhabung der Panzerfaust (klein)
D. 560/2 Die Panzerfaust (Pzf.-30 m)
D. 560/3 Die Panzerfaust (Pzf.-60 m)
D. 560/4 Die Panzerfaust (Pzf.-100 m)